Does your image have any copyright?

All images are copyrights. You only authorize to use it on the web sites which generated by Mav SiteBuilder at no addition cost. You cannot take the images and use it elsewhere

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How to do a website with multi-language?

You need to create seperated projects for each language by following explanations. 1. Create a...

How can make the online form submit directly to my yahoo email address?

How can make the online form submit directly to my yahoo email address? On the form editor,...

How to archive the blog entries?

Usually, the blog entries are keep archiving and accessible on the calendar of the blog system....

How can I remove the login block on my website?

Go to Step3 >> User >> User Configuration >> to uncheck Display login block.

How can I remove the login box even though I don't want to lose the newsletter form?

Go to Step3 >> User >> User Configuration >> to uncheck Display login block.